who invented cricket? History of cricket


By reading this post you will get the following information:

1) history of cricket
2) who invented cricket
3) when was cricket started
4) story of cricket

CRICKET is the game that we all like..
Most of us love to play CRICKET as we are all CRICKET fans..
I hope whoever is reading this post is a CRICKET fan. If we talk about the popularity of CRICKET then CRICKET is the most popular game in the world after FOOTBALL.

Cricket was started after England's Roman empire.. It was played in the time of King Edward II.
England was the first country to start this game of CRICKET. 

CRICKET was started after the game of baseball ⚾.
Before CRICKET 🏏 was played using a fat stick (bat) and stones (Ball) and wicket was made using a gate or a brick.

The exact date when CRICKET 🏏 started is not known but it is guessed that it was started in the 16th century.

Before CRICKET 🏏was only played by small children but after sometime even adults started playing this game.

The fixed rules of this game was made in the 17th century and after that the work CRICKET was published in the dictionary too.
By 18th century, cricket started to become very popular.

The rules before was very different from nowadays rules. 

The rules of cricket in earlier days were :

Two teams were there 11 players each.
Two people would come to bat one striker and one non - striker. Wickets were put in both sides of the pitch. 

There was four balls in one over that time. The umpire should give OUT only when the ball hit the stumps. There was no LBW and CATCH out.

The umpire should write the runs on the ground with lines like 1 run 1 line , 2 runs 2  lines. 

The number of balls⚾ in an over changed a few times.
Before there were 4 balls in an over.
In 1889 there was 5 balls in an over.
In 1922 they changed it to 8 balls per over.
In 1947 they changed it to 6 balls per over which is the modern rule.

Before they should roll the ball on the ground so the batsman had a lot of problem in hitting the ball.

But after some years , they started to do the modern way of bowling so many shots and many kinds of bowling like spin and pace started to invent. 
First UNDER ARM bowling was popular then ROUND ARM bowling became more popular but from 1880, OVER ARM bowling became popular. 
After that slowly, changes started coming in the rules of cricket and it started to become popular throughout the world..

In 1760 , the first CRICKET CLUB was formed.
So , slowly slowly cricket became popular everywhere and now I know we all love CRICKET 🏏.

Watch a video on this topic to have more fun

So this was all about the history of cricket. Hope you all liked it.


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