By reading this post you will get the following information:
1) Why does a fielder throw the ball up after taking a catch??
2) Is there any rule or is it just for celebration?
I hope whoever is reading this post is a cricket fan and loves to play and watch cricket🏏. You have seen the fielder throwing the ball up after taking a catch. Do you know why? 🤔🤔
Everyone thinks that the fielder throws the ball up after taking a catch for celebration but it is wrong. ☺️☺️
There was one rule of cricket that after taking a catch the fielder have to prove that he has taken a catch with balance and control ,i.e, he has full control over his body.
So they made a rule they will prove that they have taken the catch with balance and control by throwing the ball up after taking a catch 😜.Before throwing the ball⚾ up was very important otherwise it will not be considered as a catch.☺️☺️
You might be thinking that nowadays many players do not throw the ball ⚾up but still it is given out, Why?? 🤔🤔
I will tell you about this also.
Before it was compulsory to throw the ball⚾ up but now it is not compulsory but most of the players still throw the ball up and take it as a celebration. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
So I hope you enjoyed this unknown fact..